Once in awhile there comes a time in any photography business when there is a lull in your shooting time - and before you get too excited about having "down time" (does that ever really exist 😉) there is plenty to do when your camera isn't in hand. That's why we're sharing 20 Things Photographers Can Do When You Are Not Shooting for Your Business.

1. Write a Blog Post
Take this time to share your most recent work, or give your clients something to be excited about by writing a blog post or two to share on your website. This helps you connect with your clients on a whole different level.2. Instagram Network
Instagram is a great way to not only to connect with other photographers but to connect with both current and potential clients. Check out hashtags that pertain to your local area and share the love by interacting with other users.3. Plan Your Social Media Posts
Use an app such as Planoly or Later to plan out your social media posts for the month to help make everything look cohesive and to take away the stress of thinking about what to post every day. You can read more about using Instagram for your business here.
4. Contact Old Clients
Remind your old clients that you're here by sending out a "catch up" email so that you are once again at the top of their minds. This can be a simple email to check in on how they're doing, an update on what you have been up to with your business, an invite to a mini session date, a coupon or discount for rebooking etc. You could also take this time to create a newsletter and email list to have weekly or monthly emails in the future.
5. Take Part in a Photography Workshop
Take a look to see if there are any photography workshops, conferences or events in your area that you can attend to maybe learn something new or to network with others. If not, there are plenty of online workshops you can take part in, we love what Creative Live has to offer.6. Collaborate with Other Photographers
Seek out any local photographers that you admire and would like to collaborate on a project with. It never hurts to have other photographer friends!
7. Organise your Files
We know it's not a fun process (which is why we usually fall behind) but it's important to have your files organised and backed up in several places to avoid losing them.8. Brainstorm Mini Sessions
If you are a fan of mini sessions why not have a brainstorming session of future dates and themes you can offer your clients, and then let them know about it in an email!9. Gear Maintenance
Have a check in with your gear, make sure everything is clean and working correctly, calibrate your lenses and maybe reorganise your camera bag. If there is any old gear you don't use anymore now would be a good time to think about selling it.
10. Create a Marketing Plan
We all seem to have a marketing "plan" in our heads, but how many of us actually get around to writing it down and creating a really clear vision of what it is we need to do and what can improve? From rebranding, creating business cards, flyers, contacting local businesses, updating your social media etc.11. Get a Head Start on Taxes
Say what? I know, it's not the prettiest thing to do, but if you get organised now and set yourself up for success when it comes to tax time you'll be a lot less stressed. Having appropriate folders, receipts gathered etc. will give you a good head start.12. Update Your Website
Have another look at your website and see if there is anything you can improve on. Does your portfolio need updating? What about your headshots or about me page?
13. Work with a Local Business
Research local businesses who's customers are your ideal clients and create a project to work with them on or simply ask if you can leave some business cards with them.14. Work on a Personal Project
It's important to stay inspired with your work and feeling fresh so why not tackle a personal project or send out a model call for something you've always wanted to shoot.15. Declutter your Workspace
Create a productive and uplifting workspace by decluttering and maybe redecorating your space.
16. Set up Google AdSense
If you haven't already now is a good time to create a Google AdSense account and to create a campaign to advertise for your business. You can also start thinking about advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.17. Have Coffee with a Mentor
Is there someone you look up to, are inspired by or know you can rely on for some advice? Set up a coffee date with a mentor to get some new motivation or a fresh perspective.18. Teach Someone Else
Just as important as having a mentor is being a mentor to someone else. Is there someone you know who has been dying to learn how to use their camera and learn about having a photography business? Offer a mentoring session for a fee or even just to give back. After all, sometimes we learn the most when teaching someone else!
19. Learn or Master a New Skill
Is there a photography skill you know you need to learn (like using off-camera flash) or a skill you would like to get better? Now is the time to practice.20. Get in Front of the Camera
Maybe it's your turn to jump in front of the camera. This can give you an updated headshot, images to post on Instagram and give you experience on what it feels like to be one of your clients so that you can better pose them and make them feel comfortable.There you have it, 20 Things Photographers Can Do When You Are Not Shooting for Your Business. We'd love to hear from you on