A Guide to Meeting Your Personal & Professional Goals

The new year is here and with January comes a sense of new beginnings and a whole load of magical inspiration. It can be so easy to dream up all of the amazing things you will do in 2018 but a lot harder when it comes to actually implementing and working towards your goals. Did you know that only 8% of people are successful at sticking to their resolutions? We're here to help you be one of those people that can happily say they've stayed committed and made this year the best yet. 

A Guide to Meeting Your Personal and Professional Goals, Photography Gifts UK, Abigail Fahey Photography, Branding Photography UK, Branding Photography London, Branding Photographer Surrey, Gifts for Photographers, Gifts for Hobby Photographers, how to set goals, staying motivated

Whether you're working towards personal goals or professional goals these tips can help you achieve whatever it is you desire.

1. Write it Down

The best way to get a clear idea of what you want to accomplish is to write it down. Getting your thoughts out of your head in a clear and concise way will get you excited and motivated. However, it's easy to just list off a bunch of ideas on a notepad ... and then never look at it again. This is why writing down your goals is important but also why keeping the list out all year and putting it somewhere you can look at it again and again, such as in a frame on a wall, is crucial. Take a look at our free printable here.

To take it further, not only should you write down your objectives but you should also write down the steps you are going to take to complete these goals, much like a business plan. It's important you outline exactly how you will achieve your goals so you can keep yourself accountable.

2. List all of the Positives

By listing all of the positive impacts achieving your goals will have you will be reminded of why this goal is important to you in the first place and it will make it seem that much more enticing. For example, if your goal is to take one photo of your family life every day for a year you could list the following positives:

  • More family memories and creating a legacy
  • A sense of importance in your children
  • An improvement in your skills 
  • Happiness by practising your passion daily

By clearly outlining the positives this makes your goal seem that much more worthwhile. 

3. Share your Goals

Share your goals with someone (or many people) that can help keep you accountable. Not only can they encourage you and remind you of your wishes, but just by saying your goals out loud and knowing other people know of them gives you a sense of pride and accountability. 

If you have a business account consider announcing your goals over social media, this way your customers can know what to expect from you and also keep you motivated, just make sure you word things appropriately with a positive spin.

A Guide to Meeting Your Personal and Professional Goals, Photography Gifts UK, Abigail Fahey Photography, Branding Photography UK, Branding Photography London, Branding Photographer Surrey, Gifts for Photographers, Gifts for Hobby Photographers, how to set goals, staying motivated

4. Be Realistic 

Ensure that the goals you are setting are realistic and achievable. We're not saying you shouldn't shoot for the moon or have big dreams, but if you set a goal that is too daunting for where you are now chances are you will get intimidated or discouraged. 

5. Set Short Term Goals to Reach Long Term Goals

Having an overall long term goal is great, and setting short term goals that will help you get in that direction is even better - similar to writing down the steps you are going to take to achieve your goals. Say your goal is to shoot 25 weddings in one year, by setting out that you are going to book 5 by February, 10 by March and so on your task won't seem as baffling and you will be able to measure your success. Take things one day at a time instead of getting overwhelmed by the big picture. 

6. Set a Timeline

It's essential that you have a set timeline for your resolutions so that you can keep motivated and accountable. Not having a date to aim for can leave you feeling lost and encourages procrastination.

A Guide to Meeting Your Personal and Professional Goals, Photography Gifts UK, Abigail Fahey Photography, Branding Photography UK, Branding Photography London, Branding Photographer Surrey, Gifts for Photographers, Gifts for Hobby Photographers, how to set goals, staying motivated

7. Check in on Yourself

Once a month schedule a time to sit down with yourself and evaluate what you need to improve on, what you have been doing right and the next steps you are going to take to be successful. I really mean to schedule yourself in! Much like you are meeting an important client, schedule time in your calendar for yourself. 

8. Expect Obstacles

It won't always be a smooth road, but after all, anything that's worth having doesn't come easy. Expect there to be obstacles and setbacks as it's simply a part of life. If you anticipate problems you will better be able to beat them. Learn to simply take a rest instead of giving up. 

9. Treat Promises to Yourself like You Would to Others

If you promised someone else something you would keep your word right? So why is it so easy for us to break promises to ourselves? By promising to yourself that you will achieve your goals and then treating it as you would a promise to someone else not only will you be able to keep yourself liable but you will also be showing yourself respect.

A Guide to Meeting Your Personal and Professional Goals, Photography Gifts UK, Abigail Fahey Photography, Branding Photography UK, Branding Photography London, Branding Photographer Surrey, Gifts for Photographers, Gifts for Hobby Photographers, how to set goals, staying motivated

10. Use S.M.A.R.T Goals

Overall, the most important thing is that your goals are S.M.A.R.T. This means that your goals are

  • S: Specific
  • M: Measurable
  • A: Attainable
  • R: Realistic
  • T: Time-bound


There you have it! Our 10 ways to meet your personal and professional goals. We would love to hear what your resolutions are and how you plan to complete them so make sure you share with us on InstagramFacebook or Pinterest. Happy Shooting xx 

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